Our Programs & Core Services

The N.E.W. Hunger Coalition serves as a collaborative forum for all the individuals and groups working to meet the hunger relief demands of Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille Counties. It is in our partnerships with food pantries, farmers, supporting partners and community members that make the biggest difference.

“Help Us End Hunger.” -Patricia Reneman

Our Programs

Farm to Food Pantry (F2FP)

The signature program of Northeast Washington Hunger Coalition is Farm to Food Pantry. 

Grow Your Own Row

In partnership with Snap-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education) NEW Hunger Coalition launched a new program in spring 2023 that helps food pantry clients learn to grow their own food.

Donate-a-Row | Plant-an-Acre | Glean

Donate A Row is neighbors feeding neighbors. 

Member Meetings

NEW Hunger Coalition hosts meetings at our office the second Friday every month. At 11:00am our staff, food pantries and supporting partners gather in person or via zoom. Once a quarter we have an in person luncheon.

Cool Pup Trailers

Our own specially designed food pantry refrigerated transport and on-farm refrigeration system.