make a local impact
support the N.E.W. Hunger Coalition!
By donating to the N.E.W. Hunger Coalition you are doing a service for not just one food bank, but seventeen regional food banks.
Help us build these vital programs. Your donations matter!
Donate online
Donate by mail
Please mail your donations to our office at:
N.E.W. Hunger Coalition
347 W 2nd Ave., Suite G
Colville, WA 99114
Please make all checks out to “N.E.W. Hunger Coalition”. Funds sent to NEWHC support programs for all coalition pantries.
For more information contact:
call (509) 690-2460
If you would like to send money to a particular food pantry, select SHOW THE FOOD PANTRY LIST for contact information and mail a check to the address listed.
How we use these funds
We coordinate monthly meetings with our food bank members and partners; providing collaborative space, resources, and connections needed to relieve hunger, improve nutrition, and build community food resilience.
We support a local food systems by paying local farmers for fresh produce through our Farm to Food Pantry (F2FP) Program; we pick up and deliver that produce to all food pantries with our innovative CoolPup Trailers.
Through Grow Your Own Row, NEWHC provides instruction and materials for clients to grow their own healthy fruits and vegetables.