Current form Donate online Form Demo - NEW FORM This is the same style that will be used for the program-specific forms. Donate online 1Amount2Details Select a monthly donation amount $10/month provides 4 pounds of produce for a person in need $25/month provides 10 pounds of local produce for two people in need $50/month provides 20 pounds of local produce for four people in need $75/month provides 30 pounds of local produce for six people in need $100/month provides 40 pounds of local produce for eight people in need $250/month provides 100 pounds of local produce for people in need One Time Donation I'd like to make a one-time contribution instead What amount would you like to donate today?*☇ Reset Donation ChoicesHonor/Memory I'd like to make this contribution in honor or memory of someone. Is this an honorary or a memorial gift?* in honor in memory Honoree's Name* Notification I would like to notify someone of this contribution. Please provide the email address of the person you would like to notify.* Email Copy Please send me a copy of the email that is sent. Name* First Last Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* Email Address* Phone (optional)Include payment processing fees Would you like to include payment processing fees?If selected, 2.9% + 30¢ will be added to your donation to offset the electronic payment processing fees NEWHC must pay.Monthly DonationThis amount will be donated automatically on this day each month. Price: $0.00 One-Time Donation* Price: $0.00 Monthly Donation + Payment Processing Fees*This amount will be donated automatically on this day each month. Price: $0.00 One-Time Donation + Payment Processing Fees* Price: $0.00 Total (hidden) $0.00 To complete your donation: Click the "Proceed to Payment" button below. Click the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button or login if you have a PayPal account. Enter your payment information and click the button to submit your payment. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Form Demo - Sponsorship Form Donate online 1Amount2Introduction3Payment Organization Name* Frequency of Contribution*Would you like to contribute monthly, annually, or one-time?Select OneSet up a monthly contributionSet up an annual contributionMake this a one-time contributionMonthly Contribution Amount*Select an option$100/month - Help us teach people to grow their own food.$250/month - Help us build a community that feeds itself.$500/month - Help us support local farming.$1000/month - Help us transport food to areas with no grocery store.I'd like to specify a different amount.Specify a Monthly Contribution* Annual Contribution Amount*Select an Option$1200/year - Help us teach people to grow their own food.$3000/year - Help us build a community that feeds itself.$6000/year - Help us support local farming.$12000/year - Help us transport food to areas with no grocery store.I'd like to specify a different amount.Specify a One-Time Contribution Amount* Specify an Annual Contribution* Donation* Price: $0.00 Chat Request I would like to discuss ways we can work together. Tell us a little about what you have in mind.*Best method of communication*Select the best optionLet's start the conversation in emailA phone call would be greatAn in-person meeting is perfectA zoom meeting would be ideal Name* First Last Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* Email Address* Phone*Receipt EmailIf your financial manager has a different email address, please enter that here so we can send them a receipt of your contribution. Add payment processing fees Would you like to include payment processing fees?If selected, 3% will be added to your donation to offset the electronic payment processing fees NEWHC must pay.Donation* Price: $0.00 Donation + Payment Processing Fees* Price: $0.00 This contribution will be auto-paid monthly on today's date.This contribution will be auto-paid annually on today's date.This is a one-time contribution.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.